OpenPlant Modeler Help

Reset Modifications

Before the first detailing takes place, the drawing should be initialized, i.e. it should be set to "zero“. This will ensure that the modification mechanism functions optimally. This can of course always be done if you want to continue your work on a neutral state.

As the component parts in the model remember their modification even during modeling, it may be that the corresponding markings have already been set. This could cause some irritations.

Select the entry Reset Modification Code via the context menu of component parts view to reset any existing information about model modification. The entries, which details are situated on which drawings, are kept as well as the already detailed detail blocks.

Please select the entry Initialize All Anew from the context menu to reset the model completely. Initialize Component Part selectively resets the currently selected component part.

Note: Now any information will be deleted (unless the assigned detail styles)! It will then no longer be possible to ask the model where the different component parts were inserted or to insert component parts already detailed but not yet inserted.

This complete initialization is reasonable if you made some detailing beforehand "as a test“ or for a meeting and you now want to create the final workshop plans.